Breakdancing clay, that was definately funny stuff.
This is somewhat amusing, but I think that you should make it a bit longer.
pongo V: this is my little tribute to dead baby (c) by this is a cry for help.
it's a clay movie, so it's a little heavy-sized...
enjoy it!
(it's so small to maintain sound sync, sorry)
Breakdancing clay, that was definately funny stuff.
This is somewhat amusing, but I think that you should make it a bit longer.
ALot of effort
Must of been hard to make Good movie
I feel cheated
wow, what a waste...oh well........
Breakdancing clay falls to the deadly BUCKET!
Nice little video you have there. Pretty amusing, might want to make it longer.
even though i hate you that was mildly funny. And for the rest of you prikedelik looks like a mongoloid