To The Guy Below Me
Age: 14
Job: 35256565
Message from Tails3525:
sonic,naruto,m ario
Exp. Points: 30 / 50
Flash by Tails3525:
- none -
Music by Tails3525:
- none -
You may have an early sign-up date, but he's right.
It's funny, because light users are supposed to be supportive.
Don't criticize others until you have made at least 1 flash.
Not to be a total retort;
It wasn't well animated, I preferred the audio more than the visuals. It seemed a bit overdramatic, unless that's what you were hitting for.
The intro was good.
Was that gold thing a firefly?
This flash reminds me of that movie, Donnie Darko.
It was okay.