pretty nice
UPDATE: Backgrounds added
I have made a major improvement in car modder v4:
you mod one car per version (350Z in this case)
big looks change
and there's a bonus in the credits
Plz Review I will respond to all reviews
pretty nice
good but...
Dude...couldnt you have chosen are more attractive girl? She has no tits and the "money" shot is the biggest turn OFF I have ever seen in my life...that shit aint nice.
Tip: Playboy + Cars x game = godly =]
I love the huge amount of detail you put into this, there are soo manu options to choose from in each category, i remember playing previous versions of this game and this one is definately the best yet, great graphics, the colours and choices of each and every part looked great, very interactive, great game , well done and i look forward to future versions!!
thanks for the support
Great chick..I mean car!
Nah the 350Z was well done. This was the last one i looked at I looked at the civic and the hummer and I think this is the best one. I just hope your gonna put them all into a game.
maybe i will
i thought the credits were a joke
lol i got a surprize
besides that ,the car looked great and nice amount of changble part
but it be nice if there were more cars
Thanx and btw theres one car per version if you wanna do up a hummer goto that version