waste of time
wow..people being shit on and crushed by a finger, not entertaining at all or original for that matter.
waste of time
wow..people being shit on and crushed by a finger, not entertaining at all or original for that matter.
The animation in that was top notch, I really liked it but there was no story line and , yes I know it's a doodle, it was all a bit randomn.
Good work though!
You've got some style and humour
Your art style is very cool and in general your falsh movie had a good unique feel to it, just the music and the fonts and everything made it quite eerilly cool. You show alot of talent and style and I recon with a good story you could really do well here at NG. Keep it up man.
lol matt the guy in the animation even looks like you O_o
lol who are you and how do you know my name? DAMN YOUR EYES!
it sucked!!
this movie is the most badest, OMFG!!
hehe yeah, it was pretty bad wasn't it. Like the name says, it was a doodle..Except animated ;O Relax guy, just relax.