Kinda like...
david firths stuff, i like it though. I think you should make the episodes longer.
The third episode in the Potato Man series. Hence the name episode 3. Not much really happens. But Episode 4 will explain alot. At the end when potato man leans over it's because he has a sore stomach. What could be wrong with him?! Find out in episode 4...but thats gonna be a while. So in the meantime go to
Kinda like...
david firths stuff, i like it though. I think you should make the episodes longer.
I have no idea what that was supposed to show, but it looks like you got half of a plotless movie done, then released it.
You need different music, that same music (after the same loading page) is kinda annoying.
i hope that the story is going to pick up soon... cause that was a waste of 45 secs of my life.
Was o.k.
You could make it a bit longer so we know whats goin on. The graphics could be worked on, when he got down from the chair he was almost flying.
Why didn't you just wait and finish the damn thing. This toon had good enough quality graphics to be a great view. I wish people on NG would just be more patient and finish a damn cartoon before submitting it.