I thought it was good
Idk what everyone else is whining about it was a good movie and they probably couldnt do better, but i cant rate on the sound since my crappy comp has no sound..... )':
I did this for a bit of fun. I'd had a dream of planes twirling around in the sky and thought to do something like this. It is also my first movie to include voice acting, thanks to my brother.
Well that being said, enjoy the movie and the few extras I included!
I thought it was good
Idk what everyone else is whining about it was a good movie and they probably couldnt do better, but i cant rate on the sound since my crappy comp has no sound..... )':
too lazy to give score
hey you know the red baron were german eh. and the double decker the so called focker wolf or wulf. doesnt matter its german for crying out loud... there are no fucking english in that shit piece of a flash.... and im not even english and i knew that
Well, It was Good, Crap, and weird all at the same time...
Good: Because it was cool with the views And everything and it was a new idea,
Crap: Because it was Nothing to do With sprites And just Stupid,
Weird: Well You know Why...
Well that was...different
The graphics were crap along with the music which looped and looped almost killing your head and Humor...what humor!?
Well that was fun, the intro was kinda blocky with the sprites and all, still kinda cool, the idea was cool, and it seems well put together so notbad at all, keep up the decent work...