yeh, he's a noob...ever looked at yourself? what the hell was that...? You need a swift boot to the nose mate
It was ok
but u should do something about the ending. Whenever I played it it just ended with the picture of the cactus. The music kept playing but nothing else happened. Same happened on other submission, only with a blank screen
Wow a AK4!
It had good graphics and everything but it was way too short and unfinnished so I am afraid that I can't give this much.
Anyway. Good movie and so on. Thank you for submitting this and I think the Clock Crew got quite good movies.
/Mathias Andersson
yet again you submiit an incompleet flash
and considering that you are a clock person i loathe your inability to even attemt to draw faces and thus use a clock to cover it up now quit making new user manes to post your crappy flashen under
Look dude, fix this before you resubmit it again.
This shit is destined to be blammed for one reason and one reason alone.. It's NOT FINISHED!
Look, either you didn't finish it, or there is a bug that makes it freeze right at the part that shows a green cave with a clock over it.
I cannot justify protecting something that is that badly messed up.
The graphics were good, the music was good, the style was even good.. BUT.. somethings seriously wrong with it, and it won't stop getting blammed till you fix it. Have a nice day.