Hoorah for the FFIX music X3
That was well funny XD
My friend is working hard lately... and again he made another movie to show here... I just publish it Oh! I'm still working on my first movie, will take a little long than expected T_T
My Friend Says:
Being a final fantasy fan I made this movie using the common FF rescue theme and the "South Park" stylish characters with an unspected ending. I know this movie don't have nothing new or amazing, it's just a quickie.
Hope you like it
Hoorah for the FFIX music X3
That was well funny XD
The south park look'en graphics where just classic, the best part is when she shot him (nice).
Meg was just classic
If i had to work with N.G animatoes and incorporate different characters from different movies, then Meg would be one of them! But it was great and i was laughing throughout
South park!
........Those were like Southpark charaters.............
didn't hate it but didn't like it
The graphics were bad. It might've been better if you used real final fantasy characters. the only thing that looked good was ifrit.
The attack animations weren't funny and could've been better. The only thing that I thought was funny in this movie was when Meg shot ifrit in the head.
I also noticed all the music was from FFIX. Though nothing wrong with that, it might've made the movie a bit more interesting if you used a variety of soundtracks.