hahahahahahaha!!!! comedy gold
Okay again lol these are left over movies that i found lying in the computer, this one was never coloured in because i was so lazy..infact there is no lip sync..just Animation and sound i still find this funny tho, and uhh it also includes a suprise guest:) who could it be??
** To All the people who gave good reviews**
Im extremly suprised that so many people Liked this little flash, alot of you say that i should add lip sync and colour i say Nope cos it makes it too serious, it has to be Dumb and funny which makes it even funnier, i really appreciate everyone who likes the movies, but i dont give a damn about flash anymore i have 1 more flash to post and il post it soon, as for the people who want to blammmmm it, i dont care .**
hahahahahahaha!!!! comedy gold
Terribly silly
The graphics were good for the most part
The animation was pretty stiff, save the explosion and it's effects
The sounds were bleh
The violence alright
Not very funny I find
amazing i found it hilarious like every thing else of yours
need to practice
I know you are able of doing better draws than those, you should have puted more color and humor, since it doesn't make sense, keep trying and don't le anything stop you
I love the disintigrating old man!!!!