that was hella pimp but hella hard... i really liked it....goodluck i hope you make it 2 front page!
Hey there. I've been making some progress learning flash, so this is my first shoot-em-up. You fly the space freighter using the arrow keys and click on the attacking UFOs to make them explode. It's only 3 levels, but hopefully I've made it challenging enough to occupy you for a few minutes. Enjoy!
UPDATE: Wow, some of you guys are pretty harsh...but I want to thank you others for the positive feedback. I fixed some of the glitches. You can't fly off the screen now, and the after-explosion doesn't kill the freighter.
UPDATE 2: I see a lot of comments saying it's not hard enough, so I'm tweaking the numbers so the enemies come faster and more numerous. I also added in some different alien ships.
that was hella pimp but hella hard... i really liked it....goodluck i hope you make it 2 front page!
Maybe it's just because I'm using one of those touch pads on my laptop, but I found this impossible. There was no possible way to shoot the ship before it got to me, so I just died over and over. It looks like a cool game, so maybe I'll have to play it on my desktop later on. Keep at it.
Your drawings are great, you just need to work on animating them. The game was not to shabby ether, good idea you had for the gameplay, having to doge UFO's while you shoot. I supose most peple find them anoying. ^_^' Keep animating!!
Honestly....not up to standardz
Dont take this as me flamin you but sometimez it has to be said. I think you should just....trash the project. All honesty. I dont really think this game will go far if you contine to progress it. Sorry man but that's life and that's just the way it goes. Hopefully you'll take this opprutunity and study flash more and get better at makin gamez. No thumbz up
pretty cool, a story line with new ships and levels would be good though. it got kinda boring after a while. make new ships and weapons and that will be alot better. not bad though. keep up the good work.