i think it sucked
i like soup do u
i think it sucked
Straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange!!! Awesome, it's like something I'd've thought up...wait, maybe not. Interesting though, and yeah, cool loader. I LIKE SOUP ALSO!!! :D
Crazy,I like soup now
Also The mouth moves real silly
Pretty funny
Graphics were pretty good, but there's a program you can use to make the sound not as crackly... I foget what it's called but it was good. Very funny, in fact, now I'm not so angry at your tiny flash...
hes just a kid he couldnt get him out.....
if i could save her i would...i am a marshal scientist do candy eat cheese if computer say yes, mailing shopping carts is illigal.
but aside from my constant gibberish i must say that i respect that you dont get all pissy when someone doesnt like your work in fact i think thats what you were going for thats why there wasting time. i read some reveiws and people...you need to chill out! for gods sake if you dont like his fucking work stop watching it and give him bull shit he doesnt need but by all means go on with watching work youll no doubtibly already have an opinion on and waste your time.
and Fire i hope i can call you Fire i hope everything goes well and i thought some of your reviews and commentary was hillarous i think thats where your genious is well thats it peac out man.