Amazing graphics
I dont really like this kind of escape from the room game but this was something else.The graphics are perfect,I wonder how you made them!For a flash,Theyre so damn real,I almost felt inside of the house myself!Since it required a lot of clicking on small spots,I had to use tab most of the time,but I wont complain about that.
puzzles werent hard,and there wasnt any riddle or morse code thingy,which makes it less frustating.54U t(l lt) yeah!!
take the red box on the chair,pick up the gps under the shelf,click on the booke that were over the gps(if youre having difficulties use tab)and pick up a note.go to the gps and enter the code "default".click the television and a newzealand will appear(is case he says "just snow,press tab until the yellow square appears around the tab again and the square will get smaller-press enter now).a map of new zealand will appear.go to the red box and enter the code"new zealand"(remember after you insert the code press enter).Get the key,get out of the room and go upstairs.Click on the computer and then click the third icon.You will discover that there are some keys behind the heat dail up.face the bed now and click on the top drawer just under the pot of the flower,youll get a screwdriver handle.go back to the living room,and click under the leather chair.Now click the heat dial up,get out of the room and click on the handle of the door at the end of the corridor.END OF PART 1! YAY!