Whoa What the Fuck
Random and cheezy!! I think you should animate the characters to the next lvl..these characters aren't worthy of wiping the king of England's ass and he aint living...
The first episode of the epic(ish) Band With Ducks In series. Lots of random and pointless humour abound. Some of which might actually be funny. If you even remotely enjoy this, visit www.bwdi.tk to check out more about the adventures of the BWDI.
Whoa What the Fuck
Random and cheezy!! I think you should animate the characters to the next lvl..these characters aren't worthy of wiping the king of England's ass and he aint living...
i guess it's a decent story about animals.. voice acting is alright... and the music is alright... but having them talk by wiggling their body doesn't look right... the red chicken just killed them dudes in the sky... You have the right voice for making movies... but you should really work on your graphics/animating.
That hurt my brain.
comments below
the music at the start makes it impossible to hear
the graphics remind me of the last time i puked
an echo effect!? ALRIGHT, THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH TO...nothing.
Loved the way the norg things died...blood graphics were awesome
wonderful use of randomizational word like norg, obatattot, and piecacrap.
ok, all jokes aside...this was horrible man.
please don't post another.
these 10's ppl are giving you are just sympathy votes.
I just can't get enough of random flash vids and this is brilliant. Nice graphics and beautifully made! I'm looking forward to more episodes!