great flash!
this is what im working on her is a little preview
great flash!
thank you
This is a very fun pong type game.. but how is it possible to win this game?? there's no soundfx or music... but damn.. this could have been better if you added more to it. nice idea though.
i c that u have a lot of reviews.thx for ur review
Is this guy on morphine?
I had to turn it off, I couldnt listen to it anymore.
let me explain the 5 for humor
are you serious?!?!?!? the guys sounds like he's doped up on tranqualizers! was his little speech supposed to be enticing? i have no desire to watch the full episode unless, of course, i'm suffering from mad insomnia and i need something to put me to sleep.
I really like this flash, man. The sound is great, so are the graphics. Make some more flashes like this.