"There are two ways this can end, and in both of them, you die." -Duke Nukem's explanation of the movie
Update 14/1/05: I changed it to be set in Afghanistan because in retrospect that was a slightly better idea.
I started this over a year ago as the first real Flash movie I'd make a real effort on. I made some of it on and off for a while but then lost interest. I finished it (well, made most of it) over the last 3 or 4 weeks. It's an almost 2 and a half minute parody of the last Russian roulette scene in The Deer Hunter with Christopher Walken, George W. Bush and (not surprisingly) Osama Bin Laden. I hope you like it.
"There are two ways this can end, and in both of them, you die." -Duke Nukem's explanation of the movie
Osama BIN LADEN PLAYS?!?!?!?!
why does a revolver drop brass?
funny otherwise
wat the...
the fuck was that
You suck!
Shut up!