like 'Radio'
The main idea was just like 'Radio'. Good job.
An argument over a hat.
like 'Radio'
The main idea was just like 'Radio'. Good job.
Interesting, and you have to admit it... true.
Well nothing amazing, but hey one of the funniest stick flashes I have seen so far!
The graphics themselves were pretty good, the sticks moved very fluently and I was glad to see you actually put some detail into the sticks for example eyebrows, a cap, curvy lines and expressions rather than just straight lines and a blob like many authors do for a stick flash. This way I actually FELT that the sticks had emotions, I could feel and tell when the stick was angry. I may be going too much into this, but this small little extra you made created a big difference. Obviously the only suggestion I would make for the graphics department would be to add a background, but I think this black and white style suites the flash anyway :)
Now for the content. The content itself was pretty simple and not much happened, you could argue it may of been boring, but I think the simplistic theme of it really complimented the flash you were making here. It's perfect for a short; and I think that the element that made the humour so funny was the subtle content. You didn't use really over-the-top humour and you didn't read too much into it expecting people to laugh , because otherwise we wouldn't find it funny, no you made a good simplistic laugh here which gave me a good chuckle. I loved the way the stick without a cap was become exasperated trying to explain to the other stick that his hat was a cap, and he tried to explain it to Mike aswell almost 'encouraging' him to actually find the answer. I think we've all been in a situation trying to explain something to someone and they just don't understand it. The music also helped this 'plodding-along pace' too.
Overall it's nothing amazingly fantastic or in-depth, but it is a genuinly interesting and light-humoured flash. The fact the theme of the flash is so true is what makes it funny, I like your simplistic style. Well done :)
You have just been reviewed by
*takes about six decades to read one review*
Thanks a bunch. I'm glad you liked it. ;)
Don't mind the low score.
It was really good. And thank god it was sticks with a funny plot and not just mindless violence. god fo u and 3 fo u.
That was so funny nice job.
This thing was funny as hell, the music was kick-ass, and nice work on the facial expressions. Although they don't have much of a face, their emotions are expressed very clearly.
Hehe, the music was tight huh? Thanks alot dude.