oh yeah
This is the prequel to my new series about World War III, i hope you guys enjoy it!
oh yeah
what the crap???
you call this funny?u are one sick littel pig.why are u hurting us.i want u to die.i bet u r a gay 40 year old living with your mother.from the words of monty python your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elda berries.
Wtf was that peice of shit. That was by far the worst fucking flash i've ever fucking seen, that is totally unbelievable that this fucking shit hasn't been blammed. I'm no black or jew but that was the most fucking racist shit ever. That is like the turd of all shits. I can't belive that this thing is anywhere near newgrounds it's a fucking disgrace to put this shit on the web let alone newgrounds. All i've got to say is FUCK YOU!!!
that just made no sense whats so ever next time...make a better flash
i dont get it
are you a skiler, i really dont get it at all, what does it mean fucking explain ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im gonna figure it out and when i do, ohhh