yea it would have got ten but the sad music sorta ruined but still a great film
hello again. hope you like it
theres a little problem with the sound... sorry about that right at the end it comes in a little late
yea it would have got ten but the sad music sorta ruined but still a great film
It's an apple
They don't have brains, nor hearts, ergo, they don't have hearts. Jesus, what point would there be to an apple's life, if not to be sliced open, having it's seeds removed, in order to create offspring, get thrown in a blender, and be enjoyed, if only for a short moment?
Poor apple :(
Man this movie was great!
Very thing are excellent!
I liked it really really much!
but plz next time make the movie longer
Excellent job dude!
P.S.:I still feel sry for that apple :(
yay ^_^ i like good reviews
absofuckinglutely awsome
that was grand. next one you make, make it longer.
yeh i will =D
Haha the apple died
and the bananna found him.