that was interesting..to say the least.
didnt much apeal to me. the LOTR stuff alll over the place made me smirk.
i really only heard three sounds in total, thus the score there. and i cant really tell wtf hapen between the zoom out and the trash can. ill watch it again before i finish writing this.
man you were really working up to some thing. i was expecting some thing insanly wicked to hapen after the top of the tower. but no, witch is fine.
if there was a button between 2 and 3 i would push it..so ill just flip a coin. and let you wonder witch one it hit.
looked it over. i see the gun now. ... wtf? ... i close it after the "end?" text pops up and disapears. now unless thats a really long pause...
good luck in future endevors. (spelling?)