not bad movie, but you should fix up the pre-loader. otherwise, it was a pretty cool movie.
Alright so BlueSikh, The Unknown Aggregate and I decided to make this Flash version of a really bizarre piece of (techno?) music that I found a long time ago on some obscure web site. Please bear with us as we try to recreate visually the aural insanity this song provides.
Don't forget to leave reviews!
NOTE: My preloader code isn't working. Don't click play until your browser says so. Sorry.
not bad movie, but you should fix up the pre-loader. otherwise, it was a pretty cool movie.
I have no idea what thats from, but if you found it on a site some where you should at least give the site....
k. Bit of a rip off boys, there is nothing wrong with liking an idea but that doesn't mean you should just plain steal it. We all love Monty Python, but i'm sure if Terry Gilliam ever found this animation (And I know for a fact her visit's this sight cos he said so in a TV interview) he might consider it plagerism in the highest form....
That was just, odd...
Theres something I like about a movie that makes me feel unclean when I'm done watching...
Weird..........ok, but weird.