Dude! I'm luvin it! they could make a film!
I mean, yea, a film would be kwl, and yea, okay so im only relaly writting this cos it sed i had 2 i think (?)
but its dead kwl! u gotta get some more on the site!
we all know what happens when a radioactive spider bites a geek, well heres what happens when a radioactive geek bites a spider. i took out the lyrics due to complaints about the out of sync song so now you can sing the whole song instead ^^
Dude! I'm luvin it! they could make a film!
I mean, yea, a film would be kwl, and yea, okay so im only relaly writting this cos it sed i had 2 i think (?)
but its dead kwl! u gotta get some more on the site!
a film... why thats a splendid idea. pff! who am i kidding! i need far more experiance to do that! oh well, nice thought tho, thanks for the review anyway! ^^
What can i say? It was Great!
it was ok
You cant rhyme though it was kind of funny.I didnt like the graphics too much thoguh.
yeah. pretty tacky, but it was my first real try at flash. thanks for the review tho this toon has been left undusted and forgotern for a long time now.
abosolutly fabulous
this is one of the best flash movies i have seen on newgrounds that hav been done on spiderman!! apart from the out of sync sound this movie was brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
well thank you joe ^^
might want to try this again from scratch
interesting idea that you've got (rdioactive geek bites a spider) thus the style rating but you totally botched the whole thing up. There was no humor and the graphics were pretty bad, and the syncronization was all wrong. If I were you though, I'd try it again
dont worry, i'm not too bothered with this toon, i only made it to practise using flash. it is my second attemppt with flash mx after all