I just reviewed your hero game. I gotta say, you do very well at designing games, and making them run smooth, play well, etc. The art isnt your strongpoint. But thats ok, even superman had a weakness.
I know you probably have a thing for medieval warfare, but I believe this game fits much better in a modern setting. Im thinking maybe you are in a dugout in world war two. You are kind on a hill, and men, tanks, airplanes etc are coming up the hill. You have a machine gun, a sniper, and secondary grenades. You can snipe the planes and men. you can use the grenades against the men and tanks. and the machine guns against any i guess.
The sword doesnt make any sense. how are you going to stab a guy whos flying. anyways, I wont get into that. I do think both of these ideas are great. If you are interesed, you can talk to me on:
aim - villianousjester
messenger - jokingclown @ msn com (cant type links)
yahoo - ummm i think its villianousjester