It looks like a sequel but tries to be its own episode. The Gameplay can be addictive if you really get into it. It was nice to have choices, but you could always use many more.
Sorry about the large filesize. This is the sequel to Red Rooster Shootout ep. 1. Feel free to mention any errors or bugs you may come across.
It looks like a sequel but tries to be its own episode. The Gameplay can be addictive if you really get into it. It was nice to have choices, but you could always use many more.
well uhmmmm
well it was veryt intresting i give it a 10
great job
i found this game great even though you couldnt shoot the target w/o missing....if you could fix that it would be great thx
Cool bro... cool
I don't know what the hell this Siefu guy is on about, if Outraged Josh didn't do anything, his name wouldn't be on this. Anyway great work guys, truly worthy of a 10/10
Great Work!! Naruto rules!!! Im an Otaku! ahahahah
Great work Aaron, really good job on your second flash. Can I ask what Josh actually contributed to this flash? :P I think you did the majority of it, didn't you. Wait, I mean I KNOW you did the majority of it. :D
Again Aaron, great work! It was pretty good, and now, one shot didn't kill you. That shooting gallery music was just so....cheesy :P.Hard, but not impossible. Graphics could have been better, but I can't do better. We all know what I'm good at right? PHOTOSHOP! Hahahaha! NARUTO RULES!!
Hahahahaha, to think that if I reviewed this earler you could have got Pick of the Week. I bet you want to kill me don't you? :P Well too bad, I have ninja skillz! :D
Yes adrian, naruto does very, very much so... and ur photoshop we dont care about as its a flash animation site u n00b. Well thanks the da review, a bit late though, why 10 graphics when u said it was could be better, whats up with that??? Well glad ya liked it:)