this is like EVIL DEAD, at first they went for the scary movie thing, then they found out that wont work so they went to comedy. thats what you should do to this. i liked the 3D thing, the funniest part was when they kicked the door off its frame in one kick, and then kinda just moonwalked into the house that said DO NOT ENTER. then one kid's crack addiction started to rev up, you can see this by his head twitching while they stood there doing nothing it seemed, maybe the kid kneeling down was going to suck him off, for crack, but the crackhead kid couldnt take the urges, so he ran off. then the skeleton came in and the kid just stood there look gawd only knows where. then with slow ass punch he ripped the kids head clean off. maybe the kid was a zombie, thus his absence of blood. i mean they are bones for crying out loud!!1 they are good sneakers, maybe the kid being a zombie, thats why he didnt hear them. you know...because zombies are deaf.