Nice song
I liked the song very much, probley because I also am a little low latley. So nice song who made it, and is there a full version?
Just an ordinary guy driving while listening to a song about his problems.
Nice song
I liked the song very much, probley because I also am a little low latley. So nice song who made it, and is there a full version?
he must of been driving in zig-zags...
look at him, cant he drive strait?
Graphics: 0
Style: 0
Sound: 0
Violence: 0
...and err guess what...
Overall: 0!
Pure crap... all of your flash movies suck, dont make any more!
random as hell. and that "motivational" music was the stupidest ii've heard iin a loong time
it was ok, very random.
that movie is halarious and props for makin a little movie about that part and major damn props for that little picture of the damn cream haha.