Let's just say it's... different.
Shellshock Episode 1 puts you into what seems to be similar to the classic the Tortoise and the Hare. Although things change very quickly.
The graphics are among the few high points of this animation. They are very simple, but that approach does alot for the animation overall. The style is also unique. With colors on the brighter tone, graphics and style are perhaps the only thing this animation has going for it.
The sound is basically one track looping over and over again, while this one track is put together very well, there is a part where it noticeably restarts which take away from the whole movie.
The main problem is it seems like the movie doesn't go anywhere. The storyline is unoriginal, while the jet pack twist IS slightly interesting. The movie tries to be funny at some points, and these failed attempts are very painful to watch.
Whenever you finish the movie, you don't feel like you saw anything. Just a little race with some neat little animation here and there. The mediocre experience ends up leaving you sour afterwards.