blah blah blah...
zat was GAY
Ok this is one of three of my upcoming movies and previews. I want to know who wants to help me and stuff ill be on aim. And also who wants to join and people leave reviews i know there will be haters but the best movies made come from the bad ones. So enjoy 1 of 3
blah blah blah...
zat was GAY
Good things:
1:good weapons
Bad things:
1:apache is assault helicopter,use next time black hawk
2:animation sucks
3:backround sucks
im in the ops myself, and that's not how its done.
exactly said in the summary.
lol this is the funny version of military movies like scary movie.
Humor got a ten.....
because of the horrid artwork
I've been constantly clicking on "0" everyday for the past few days.