Very good, but...
I'd like to see some storyline and/or plot to an animation like this. But otherwise, great job on the animation!
It's about 45 seconds long, 1000 frames, 22 fps. I made it over a few weeks, but I spread out the work a lot. Tomdafatcat and I's conjoined production logo is coming soon.
Very good, but...
I'd like to see some storyline and/or plot to an animation like this. But otherwise, great job on the animation!
i liked it
nice work only tinhg is its a bit confusing
Good Work!
Art, isnt something you can judge.
Keep up the good work.
U are really good at FBF.
And your other movie was cool to.
Make moooooore!!!
eh, I jsut made this stick movie for fun. I'm workign on another (non-stick) way better then this, so, ya.
Ok if you do it in the same time as the music it can be good and make a better ending!