Grate fool = Zombiehead
But one thing puzzles me, who woz killed? It seemed like the judge said it was Fred, but he talked like such a fool I couldn't understnad a word he said.
This week, ZombieHead is acused of murder. But did he do it? Probably. Anyway, watch on to find out.
Grate fool = Zombiehead
But one thing puzzles me, who woz killed? It seemed like the judge said it was Fred, but he talked like such a fool I couldn't understnad a word he said.
this [ZombieHead] series rocks. another good episode, hopefully we'll see some more in this series.
:P eheheheh
that was great cept the constant scene changes became annoying
thats a bad movie
fuck d00d that was a pile. it wasnt funny and all that fuckin head is good for is chuggin cock. maybe if it had better artwork you could get away with how un-funny that shit is...fuck yeah that me over there
thought i told u, U CANT MAKE COMIDIES.....
coz ur not funny, sorry for being so honest i try make a helpfull review last time butttttt this is ridicoulous, jeeeeeezzz u remind me of one of my m8's who tells me like 10 jokes everyday and just isnt funny
wow, what a coincidence. you remind me of an illiterate retard who thinks he's one clever mofo.
go die.