Strawberry Clock at its finest!
I love the line about the dildos. This is great material, man. Pube Muppet trying to get into a gay bar, who would've thunk it???
Pube Muppet goes to a gay bar. I'm in this one too.
Strawberry Clock at its finest!
I love the line about the dildos. This is great material, man. Pube Muppet trying to get into a gay bar, who would've thunk it???
Long Live The Pube Muppet
Pube Muppet is one l33t dude. His movies are amazingly funny. Let there be more Pube Muppet movies. That dude's awesomly cool.
Not cool enough for his own collection though, aparently.
great stuff
that was better than the first one :)
Everyone loves the Pube Muppet!
It is funny because he wants to be with Bob Dole. This is a very funny cartoon because of his homosexual antics.
man your reviews are great, you are a true...k
((( SO-SO )))
Well it was ok, nothing more we having seen, the gay bar thing was cute, SBC and Pube was funny and gave me a little chuckle heh, cant beleive PUBE is still going till this day heh, anyways funny flash...
Thanks review king! Pube Muppet rules. I wish there was a plush toy...