Wire, huh? Whiney.
This was good, ya know.
Pushed this one to the wire. Supposed to be done today....(tuesday) started on sunday. Rushed it and it shows. Another paintball related flash for krysys.com. Even if you're not into paintball, watch it anyway. I'm too tired to care if you like it. Some definations for easy understanding.
Front man = guy up front on the field
ref = referee
maxxed = your team sucks, and you got owned.
Splatter = not a direct hit...just..splatter.
Wire, huh? Whiney.
This was good, ya know.
You have no Idea how accurate this is
Everyone around local fields near where I live uses these exact excuses to the word. THanks for giving me some new ways to make fun of them for it.
the end?
I know all good things come to an end, but Squiggie needs to live on for the children of tomorrow to see and learn from. May he never lose a feather.
Not as good as number 2, but still pretty awesome!
Great work as usual. But from my experience, I've noticed that mid players are usually the whiners, not fronts. But I'm biased because I'm a front myself, SO FUCK YOU! :D
that parrot was hilarious