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Bush: Liar

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I haven't made anything in a while so here you go! So check it out
<3333 haha (my inside joke)

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((( LOL )))

Haha ok well first off if you wish to get your point across you should do much more then a few jpegs, and much longer, even some your own art and animation wouldnt hurt, and on another note, its funny how every generation dislikes what any president does, haha very ironic, also remember if you dont like whats going on in the nation then dont waste your vote unless you cant vote heh, funny...


In response to Assassin419

First, your statements about your age and your expertise scare me. When you combine it with your name, well, you're a sad person. Politicans lie. Period. People need to accept that on both sides, no one is a saint, and no one is uniquely evil.

Oh, and yes, I do honestly think we shouldn't have gone to war in Iraq.


HE IS NOT A LIAR!! . If you want a liar go listen to John Kerry. Do you really think we shouldnt have gone int Iraq do you want my generation to have fought the war. I like guns and military i'm an expert on the subject and i am 12. I respect your point of view.

i agree

He is, but your animation wasnt worth viewing, its just a bunch of JPEGs and i think he only visible flash thing you used was the word liar. Work some more on an animation and express what you think, cause that was a bunch of stuff you didnt do, unless youre johny rotten or the dude that took all the pics ;)

jjrocks2002 responds:

I had to find every image, cut it out, animate, and animate some more. So dont talk crap when you dont know

This Sucked

I do not like Bush but this was nothing new or orngial. I thought was going to collaps from all the bright Siny lighs and flashly things

Credits & Info

1.45 / 5.00

Aug 23, 2004
7:32 PM EDT