I love how the censor fuck but are okay with cocks and boobs being out
If j00 look back on my older movies, j00 can defiantly (j00 mean definitely, idiot) tell they aren’t teh same quality as they are now. Teh original “One Penor to Rule Them All”, while the premise was funny, wasn’t very good looking. I’ve been wanting to redo teh movie for a long time because of that, and now finally found some extra time!
It isn't ment to be mind glowing (or do j00 mean mind blowing?), but please enjoy!
***Flash Movie #120***
I love how the censor fuck but are okay with cocks and boobs being out
R3m3b3r kidz, drink ur c0cain3.
that was a mildly weird parody for me!!!
So, they censor curse words but they go out like with their cock out. Nice
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