Good I like all the homestar runner refernces...
And also the power rangers are messed up so, I concure
Well, here's my piece (shut up! no inuendo). Anyone whose seen Donnie Clocko, to the end of the credits even, might remember
me saying that J & Silent Clock would be coming back in a Clerks parody. I was starting work on one based on the film and
I couldn't think of anything to do and stopped. Some months later and I get a few episodes the animated series. Clock Day was
coming so I thought why not make one based on the cartoon.
Anyway, enjoy....
I have pity on any clock haters today. Wait! No I don't! It's they're own stubborness that makes them suffer... :p
EDIT: The Title of this is now "Clocks Eps.1" That's because there will be more coming out.
Good I like all the homestar runner refernces...
And also the power rangers are messed up so, I concure
WTF???? this cartoon is whats messed up...
yay y! oh wait... am i supposed to be writing a review? sry
so anywAys, this was n't that good for a J&SB cartoon.plez do better next time.
The reveiws are funnier than the clip.
This is what happens when you let your cat walk on your key board.
LOL (heard from about 50KM away)
Yeah, I think I was laughing that loudly, but anyhow...
Jay-clock (that how you spell it?) and silent-clock actually have spoken lines (unlike in ep. 2-2) (and I know silent-clock doesn't actually say anything, but the arrow does appear!)
nice job on music selection, esp. the power rangers theme (god, it's been ages since I heard that!) also, little trivia on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: the origin of that show was actually in Japan as a game (Now i have to go look it up, DAMMIT!)
Thanx for de review.
BTW it's written out as J
Same in prounonciation but slightly different.
P.S. Thanx for the trivia as well. I always thought it had some sort of Japanese origin.
that was pure l337ness. loved it