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Megaman's Vengeance

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EDIT: Sorry, I fixed the size problem... But I'm still the ultimate flash newb, so I have no idea how to make the speed better... For some computers it goes normal speed, for others it goes really slow. I honestly don't know why.

Also, a lot of people have mentioned I need a story line. I tried to make one of those kind of things where you kind of go along with the story without a text. Kind of like Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom. But uh, it didn't work too well. Basically, the story is Roll was just killed randomly, and Megaman is going to Dr. Wily's castle when he was suddenly ambushed by a number of monsters. I plan to make a few more of these so it goes together better.

This is a flash that I made that took about 3 days to make. It's my first real attempt to work with flash (I had one a while ago that I put together in a matter of 2 seconds... It got blammed...) and I may continue it. I'm not exactly sure yet. I guess if I get bored or run of ideas I might.

You'll also notice I didn't make credits... Sprites were from:http://sprites.planet-megaman.com
Background was ripped by me. I have no idea where the music is from. I was browsing around in an old Techno folder of mine from like, a year back and came across it. If anyone finds the name, I'll gladly add you into the credits. And of course, as a die-hard Naruto fan, credit goes to Naruto for the Rasengan. (go to www.narutofan.com to download episodes and get information on that show)

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this was alright

it was pretty good i sorta agree with the last person the begining doesnt really match or make much since in the begining it kinda looks like there just 2 different stories but other wise it was pretty good i liked it and i pretty much like all megaman sprite stuff well just keep workin at it.


zzzzzz........wha.wha?? oh right the movie.......seen stuff like it before.....its been done.....nothing interesting or new. it doesnt follow the beginning either.


i'd thought id give it a chance in the first half hour of it but then it got a little tiresome

not bad

you used the sprites ok they wern't jloty or anything and the music wasn't bad so do more your ok at makeing flashes

quite gud

you should give credit to naruto for rasengan

Shweex responds:

Oh yeah. Almost forgot about that...

Credits & Info

3.59 / 5.00

Aug 11, 2004
11:36 PM EDT