this looks sick. great work
i worked extremely hard on this... please enjoy.
this looks sick. great work
Hwar Hwar Hwar.
I must admit that the FBF thing has been overdone, but I like yours. It's different. You had a nice variety of music, some funny parts, and also some downright good animation. I'd like to see more of this work from you, DJ API.
You win at the fbf game, although you're better than this now. Let's swing the jury and get lunchbox porn.
Happy face
See. (:))
good good!
i have always really loved this sort of frame by frame animation. very nice indeed.
all animation was sweet - all of the movements were really cool.
i loved all of the music you put in there! heaps of good tracks; CKY, Beastie Boys, etc... awesome music!
so overall, one really cool FBF movie along with some kik ass songs. very well done.
overall score: 7/10