i dont get y u hate him
go watch one of the new godam foamy cartoons he has pointed this out and this probably goes to all of his cartoons it cleary around the end it says"for MATURE meaning folks who can TAKE A JOKE" and no one is really forcing u to watch foamy okay so stop wit all this controversey and build a brigde and get over it and for all u ppl who think o yeh hes racist or stupid if he was racist the thought of another race would make him sick and y would he waste his time trying to do it i fhe was, sure foamy he may not like our society but don't makin gfun of him because he does, some ppl probably hate foamy when he rants they're probably one those kinds of ppl and they've probably done it before and it's hard to look at the past adn i kno he brings it up in a mean way but that's society to him and he's trying to stress that out ,so really i don't get it I hope u guys understand this so u can stop wasting u r time.