T'was alright
Keep working on it!
I know you could make great flash! You have potential.
My thrid try at being a flash artist. The file is so big because when i went to stream line my music, my trial version ran out. so until i buy flash, i cant help it. Also, the preloader is new so it may or may not work. I used Frogs Theme from Chrono Trigger and The Secret Room from Castlevania 4
Notice: The graphics are that way because i wanted everything to look EXTREMELY cute. And Please dont forget to Vote. It really Counts
T'was alright
Keep working on it!
I know you could make great flash! You have potential.
Kind of lacking a lot of things...
Well, I thought the dragon was cute, and I'm the biggest dragon connisseour you'll ever meet. However, I think the environment was poorly drawn and the film did not last long enough. Keep trying.
It aint bad really....actually its kinda funny...but its a little short you should at least try make another a bit more longer maybe people would like it a bit longer and eventually work out for long time so you could earn some money eventually with it But i actually liked the film.Really FUNNY =D!!!
Good Luck!
Awww poor Mr. Bunny O.O
I don't care I thought it was cute lol good job ()_() <---- scared bunny lol
(O O)
Well i try to bring quality entertainment to those around me at the expense of everyone around me. Thank u for ur love. Now give me money so i can buy flash :(
I LOVED IT!!! That was a cute dragon...now i'm hungry...dammit....
Yay! :)