i liked it
i didnt really understand it but i liked it any cool lookin dudes 2
Em replay button broken srry bout that
**read first**
Well my last flash, fire and snow was blammed , but had some helpful comments, anyway i have remade it but a bit better this time, it is still not too good, but this is only my first proper film, up til now i have only made flash that could be used in banners, it quite short, depending of the results i get from this animation i may make a longer version and spend more than two days on it.
** Fire and snow are two magical creatures one of them, fire has fire powers and the other, snow has snow powers.
All drawing and animation was done by me over two days, which is why it didnt come out to well, the story line was created as i went along but everything seems to fit.
The majority of sfx came from these sites
Music:Rammstein - Feuer frei
I will respond , if not blammed before, to any useful comments, abusive or pointless comments will be ignored
i liked it
i didnt really understand it but i liked it any cool lookin dudes 2
It needs more.
While all the art was nice, it was severley lacking in animation. For instance when the characters were jumping at each other, their feet didn't move at all. I think the build up was a bit much too, I was expecting a longer fight.
yeah i know i kinda screwed this up not at all what i wanted, but was only my first flash so coulda been worse but yeah coulda been a whole lot better
Ok I seen that you like to resubmit your stuff after making improvments in them. I woukld accually liek to see you make more improvmetns than you have been making. Yes you did make a few improvments from thsi to the next, but not really enough in my mind for a resubmit. THese are nice works. I would jsut care to see more improvement esp in the fighting scene.
this movie was my first and im still getting to grips with proper animating, ill do the best i can in future animations, im try something with simplier characters atm should be easier to animated and gd practice
nice choice of music
may I suggest kalmah or children of bodom because they kick ass as well
*thinks* i have quite a few songs my Children of bodom, ie Touch the angel of death, Hate me, Everytime i die Mask of sanity but no kalmah, i think i shall use mask of sanity for one i think i could make that go with the animation
FUCKING LOVE THE SONG, THIS MOVIE KICKS ASS!! BUT i JUST LOVE THIS FUCKING SONG MAN Rammstein is like my favorite band,and keep the song going after it's done even
i had to shorten the song to lower the size srry :P