Good, but...
In the beginning, you put in words for the song, "Neodammerung." I am a large fan of the song(along with its Juno reactor remix NAVRAS, which you used), and, in short, you got them wrong. The lyrics(only for the first section, which is what you used) are as follows:
Asato ma sad gamaya
Asato ma sad gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrtyor mamrtam gamaya
Which means, "From delusion lead me to truth, from delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to immortality." I could print the entire lyrics, but that would take up too much space.
Also, all the characters are in traditional Japanese clothing(except the Agents). WHY?????? Trench coats look so much cooler!!!! Also, The Matrix was defined by its urban settings and slick costumes(like trenchcoats and all kinds of leather!), and to not use these costumes is to take away from some of the stuff that made The Matrix so awesome(of course, along with kick-ass music)!
However, I have to mention all the good stuff that was present:
Graphics: Not the best, but hand-drawn and well-made nonetheless.
Style: It was a bit generic anime, but it was still rather good, and the frame-by frame was, I must say, better than I could do(or have ever tried to do!).
Sound: Navras=instant 10.
Violence: Matrix=R-rated movie. Duh.
Humor: The beginning. "Spoofed...
Overall: Not really worthy of much recognition or awards, but still good.