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Battle for Serret Axre

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this is a sort of remake of an other movie i made named BattleGalactica.
i had to cut the movie in 2 parts because of the file size.
I used many SF-games and movies as inspiration for this movie.

I also kept dialog as low as possible, because im dutch and my english grammer isn't very good.

anyway, I hope u liked and be sure to try out my nicely animated replay button at the end ;)

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I needed some real voice acting, but this decent!!!

Needed some real voice acting but otherwise a decent submission

Im not worthy!

Lol but really that was great id like to c som voice acting though
and in the scene in the cockpit where it says "terrain pull up" or watever id like to c som "better" voice acting

but overall cant wait for the next one keep it up


It was a great movie - a bit boring at times - but it kept me entertained and dazzled for a while, so thats good. There where many things in BattleGalactica which I liked better though...


i liked it alot! very nice graphics! ive voted 5/5 and u deserve it! this wuz nice!

PS: ik ben ook een nederlander. wil je mij dat leren om die flash zo mooi soepel te krijgen? hoe heb je dat in godsnaam zo gekregen? als je tijd heb wil je me dat dan vertellen? mijn email is: SchadowX9@hotmail.com. alvast bedankt!

Credits & Info

4.11 / 5.00

Jun 21, 2004
12:11 PM EDT
  • Daily 5th Place June 22, 2004