You cracked me up, i am waiting 'till you make more. Once you have i'll watch, also your graphics improved quite a lot.
"Lessons With Fred 2: Lighting a Fart"
Here's the full, redone version of LWF 2. You should view the first Lessons with Fred before watching this. It is in my profile. There are a few secrets hidden in the movie, tell me how many you can find. Don't say where they are, please. I am thinking of making a Lessons with Fred 3: Shooting Beans, I'll see if it will be worthwhile to do so. Enjoy!!!
BTW, look at the reviews for the first one, and you'll see that I have done everything they told me to do.
+When it is flashing "DO NOT EAT", you can click the "EAT".
+When you scroll over the foods they make a farting sound, and the yogurt has Strawberry Clock on it.
+When Fred is counting down (3,2,1), click the "1."
You cracked me up, i am waiting 'till you make more. Once you have i'll watch, also your graphics improved quite a lot.
The hell?
For such good sound quality, that was garbage! I'm dissapointed.
that's it?
Then again, what was I supposed to expect by a flash about lighting farts on fire.
Your fire animation suxxors.
I second the thought of changing the fat guy out for a cute girl :P
how can u second something that hasnt been said before?
Funny chap. I only found 4. (all in 1 screen ,guess that says enough)
i consider that 1 secret. there are 2 others.
very funnt i have not seen your first so i will go find that now good job