Short and meaningless
Sorry but i didn't get the point of this movie. Graphic was quite nice. Sounds normal too, but the plot is without end and doesn't shows any character
I'm working on this right now, I have put some new scenes, fixed the grammar and stuff (I'm a spanish speaker)
I hope I finish this soon. Enjoy for now.
Short and meaningless
Sorry but i didn't get the point of this movie. Graphic was quite nice. Sounds normal too, but the plot is without end and doesn't shows any character
I'm working on it, thx =)
it was good
more story line. and wat settings did u use on those pictures. mine just dont come out rite.
A bit confusing/ Un poco de confusión
Did you use a translator program for this? The sentences weren't very effecting, it was a bit boring. Also, you stated no good reason for the apocalypse, just some talk about war. I liked the graphics, but the storyline needs to be more clear.
Usaste un programa traductor para este? Los frases no son muy eficaz, un poco abburido. Tambien, deciste no razón bien para el apocalypse, pero solamente hablaste alguno sobre guerro. Me gustan los gráficos, pero el historia necesita tener más claridad.
Apocaliptika as in Apocalypse? As in the end of the world? Yet this sounds more like the 5:00 news.
I don't know if that's means the author should add more stuff or I should be deeply disturbed by how much real life is very similiar... probably both. ;(
Heh..."movilize".....I think you mean "mobilize". Kind of cool, I like the feel.