nice stolen sound clips from Saving Private Ryan. 0.
The preview for the second one. Check it out. Rate honestly. Wait for it to load too. If you see a crowd. That means it's almost loaded.
nice stolen sound clips from Saving Private Ryan. 0.
I would just stop right there "no movie"
All that was was just zooming in on pixilated bullshit, and some random apache with a bar 1940, MI rifle, and a hint of tiger tank??? even when they showed the appache??? And you couldent even read the text? Sounds like a preview of somthing that a "gay, retarded, black, handicaped, frech canadian would make. Do the portal some good, and dont post it.
that was very bad
i couldnt even read the damn text, if u r goin to put white text on white background, make sure it actually contrasts so the viewer can read it. that was the worst 3MB on NG i ever waited for, there was even a preloader bar.
Not very good
The text was HARD to read, not impossible to read. But why did you call it Urban Assault when you want to show Aerial Attacks?
dunno, cool name
If your going to put text on a screen you sould make sure THAT YOU CAN READ IT!!!!
Wtf r u talkin bout. i can read it