Uh.. NO!
I am a talking pickle. Funny though. Could... Be better looking. And... get me an air freshener.
Following on from episode 1, where I realised that I could actually animate (Albeit imperfectly)...... I decided to give a full blown attempt at a comedy episode. This 5 min movie is that attempt.
Uh.. NO!
I am a talking pickle. Funny though. Could... Be better looking. And... get me an air freshener.
I couldn't even finish watching that
It was so crappy and boring I just had to stop. Try to put a SOLID storyline in a flash next time. Try to make it diverse, too so it doesn't get boring after 2 min. of the movie.
Better than the first
i think you actually took that captin fart out of your Ass!
I guess it's not really my kind of humor. I like the cleaver changes/interpretations of the names of characters. The sound was good although some authentic music from the series you imitated would have helped greatly.
Quite funny.
Well done, that was pretty funny. Especially the Captain Fart idea. You pulled most of it off pretty well, but it had an odd story line and the graphic side could have been better. Not bad.