This is a great sprite animation! Make more!
This originally started out as a metal slug war movie but I got an idea for a mari/Hitler watching the toads march and couldn't resist. If you vote high then thanks and enjoy!
This is a great sprite animation! Make more!
that was cool... I don´t have anything more to say.
If the actual ovie is gonna be somethin like that, and not just trailers or To Be Contiued type of stuff, I think it would be worth wacthing.
i would've given it a higher score if u had actually done more than just group a bunch of GIF's together(all you animated was the 8 bit ones)...better luck next time...
Yeah there were a lot of gifs but they required a lot of tweaking and tweening to make them move so Bums to u
it was alright
good things:
you animated the sprites nicely
bad things:
the loading bar is really messed up