very nice
really dramatic animation, just the music was a bit. . . oddly matched
Updated 05/28/04:
I streamed the music and put the framerate to 11.4 fps (didn't knew that would work)
now you can only complain about the style of music, but it is perfectly synchonized.
sit back and relax for 1:43 minutes. This frame-by-frame animation is based on the song from Estradasphere named Transformation.
It was work for school I had finished may 27 2004. One day before deadline.
The story is simple but hard to read as it is more symbolic. anyhow enjoy.
very nice
really dramatic animation, just the music was a bit. . . oddly matched
pretty good
but needs better graphics it was good though
love the music and the flash. kinda short thou.
that is amazing
really sad, really great. the music scarily didnt fit, but at the same time did.
why dont poeple get it
the movie rocked and the story is that the boys heart came out of his body to save the day so really the boy killed himself so the world would be safe