i love you
Wow, after quite a bit of delay, I made a new lobster the lobster! Just felt like doing one today. Enjoy!
i love you
what was that?
? y is this 13+
((( NOTBAD )))
Haha notbad, the fat dude is funny, and you gotta love his belly, anyways really good work with all the voices, very well done, the cartoon is cute and makes me laugh so it does its purpose, anyways nice job keep it up...
i was liek "i know that costume" and checked back and omg the FINAL FANTASY A+ guy says darkwing duck n im leik OH YEAH MG DARK WIN GDUNK
and you don't get a 10 for violence by having a lobster pinch a fat guy's ass. in reality his fat butter body would have protected him from damage. his meat sensor would have gone off and he would have eaten the lobster taw and then eaten dark wing duck man.
duckman. lol. that show rules.