but there was none of that nudity and that
This is the third episode of Felipe the radiant CAT! It is Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven," you'll love it! :) Leave reviews!
***Latest: Fixed the overlonged pause and also fixed the credits (which were not working). Updated sound quality too. Enjoy!
***Update: Since most of you said you liked the beginning, we have decided to finish it sometime soon! Thanks!
but there was none of that nudity and that
that was lol
i like egar allan poe's book work and all...but that was funny and messed up....(a good combination)
COuld u make a felipe song dedicated to me.
i jackoff to zee sound of felipes flash cartoons.meith beith felipes best fan numero uno bitches beat zat!
The Cat
Felipe reminds me of my cat nixon, they are both complete jagoffs. Loved the part where Felipe pistol whipped Edgar Allen Poe, 'twas the shit. After all that all I can say is I heart Christopher Walken.
Go Walken.