It was the end that made me laugh, the end theme. It sounded like a bunch of rednecks being tortured by a whip or something. It was whacked out!
sorry for being gone for a week i had to move and stuff. So I guess now you can see the latest part of the amazing cletus saga. then it just goes back to regular pointless episodes. yeah but if you wanna see how the cletus saga ends don't wait til next week go to www.cletusthefetus.com now and watch it and the other 43 cletus episodes
It was the end that made me laugh, the end theme. It sounded like a bunch of rednecks being tortured by a whip or something. It was whacked out!
In this episode, from a continuation of the previous episodes, Athena discusses how to get the guys out of jail and we get an introduction to the hardship that comes from jail. The Captain Giggles bit was easily the best part of the series in a long time, the sure absurdity of it, a mixture of Benny Hill, Captain Crunch, and Cookie Monster all add to the incredibly bizare humor brought to the show. The movies are getting shorter and shorter, but they still continue to pack a heck of a punch.
captain giggler made me piss my pants
try to make all the cledus the fetus'es longer and thens the power of jesus wil make you happy and shiat mudlims and stuff
Captain giggles???
that was sooooooooo weird.. it made me feel like weird n stuff
Not the best.
Oooh.. as usual, I thought that the art was cool, the black guy sounded like the same guy for the white guy. Maybe it's just me gone crazy, but im almost sure of it :O.
The audio was descreased in quality at the end, unfortunately.